| Indesign CS 2 | | | Indesign CS 1 | | | Indesign ver. 2 | | | Miscellaneous | |
Bookmark - make | Nov. 2, 2004 |
tell application "InDesign CS" activate if (count documents) = 0 then display dialog "Please, open a document" buttons " OK " default button 1 with icon caution else set myDocument to active document tell myDocument activate set ListOfParagraphStyle to every paragraph style whose name is not "[No Paragraph Style]" set ListOfNameOfParagraphStyle to name of every paragraph style whose name is not "[No Paragraph Style]" end tell set myDialog to make dialog with properties {name:"Make bookmarks"} tell myDialog tell (make dialog column) tell (make border panel) -- Layer tell (make dialog column) make static text with properties {static label:"Style to use :"} end tell tell (make dialog column) set MyStyleToBookmark to make dropdown with properties {string list:ListOfNameOfParagraphStyle, selected index:1} end tell end tell end tell end tell -- Display the dialog box. set myResult to show myDialog if myResult is true then -- Get the values from the dialog box controls set ParaStyleSelected to (item ((selected index of MyStyleToBookmark) + 1)) of ListOfParagraphStyle set properties to {find preferences:nothing, change preferences:nothing} tell myDocument set theFinds to search with find attributes {applied paragraph style:ParaStyleSelected} repeat with I from (count of theFinds) to 1 by -1 set theContents to contents of (contents of item I of theFinds) set theDest to make hyperlink text destination with properties {destination text:insertion point 1 of (item I of theFinds)} make bookmark with properties {destination:theDest, name:theContents} end repeat end tell set properties to {find preferences:nothing, change preferences:nothing} end if -- Remove the dialog box from memory. destroy myDialog end if end tell |
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Image: reveal in finder | Nov. 2, 2004 |
tell application "InDesign CS" set theSelection to item 1 of selection set theClass to class of theSelection if theClass is in {image, PDF} then -- if the image is selected by direct tools set theSelection to parent of theSelection end if -- try to get the file path of the item: set theFilePathOfImage to file path of item link of graphic 1 of theSelection end tell tell application "Finder" activate reveal the theFilePathOfImage end tell |
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Selection: step and repeat | Nov. 2, 2004 |
set myStep to 30 tell application "InDesign CS" activate set myDocument to active document tell myDocument set mySelection to item 1 of selection set {y, x, l, h} to geometric bounds of mySelection duplicate mySelection move mySelection to {x + 100, y + 0} repeat with I from myStep to (myStep * 9) by myStep duplicate mySelection move mySelection to {x + 0, y + I} duplicate mySelection move mySelection to {x + 100, y + I} end repeat end tell end tell |
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Change layer of images | Nov. 2, 2004 |
tell application "InDesign CS" activate if (count documents) = 0 then display dialog "Please open a document and try again." else set myTextInfoLayerName to "Images" set myDocument to active document tell myDocument try set myLayer to layer myTextInfoLayerName of myDocument on error -- Create the layer if it didn't already exist. tell myDocument set myLayer to make layer set name of myLayer to myTextInfoLayerName end tell end try -- Search document for linked images set IDLinks to links repeat with myCounter from 1 to (count IDLinks) set theFrame to parent of parent of item myCounter of IDLinks try set properties of theFrame to {item layer:myLayer} end try end repeat end tell end if end tell beep |
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Insert unicode | Nov. 2, 2004 |
tell application "InDesign CS" activate if (count documents) = 0 then display dialog "Please, open a document" buttons " OK " default button 1 with icon caution else set mySelection to selection if (mySelection = {}) or (class of item 1 of mySelection is not insertion point) then display dialog "Please, put your cursor in the place you want the character." buttons " OK " default button 1 with icon caution else set myDialog to make dialog with properties {name:"Insert the unicode"} tell myDialog tell (make dialog column) tell (make border panel) tell (make dialog column) make static text with properties {static label:"Unicode :"} end tell tell (make dialog column) set myUnicode to make text editbox with properties {edit contents:"012B"} end tell end tell end tell end tell -- Display the dialog box. set myResult to show myDialog if myResult is true then set myCode to edit contents of myUnicode if (length of myCode) ≠ 4 then display dialog "Error" buttons " OK " default button 1 with icon caution else set myCodeToInsert to "<" & myCode & ">" set insertion point 1 of selection to myCodeToInsert end if end if destroy myDialog end if end if end tell |
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Images: some properties | Nov. 2, 2004 |
tell application "InDesign CS" set mydoc to active document tell mydoc set PageItemOne to page item 1 set PropOfPageItem to properties of PageItemOne set myImage to graphic 1 of PageItemOne -- instead of : -- set myImage to image 1 of PageItemOne -- in Indesign 2 set ClassOfImage to class of myImage set itemLinkOfImage to item link of graphic 1 of PageItemOne set propOfLink to properties of item link of graphic 1 of PageItemOne set propImage to properties of graphic 1 of PageItemOne set FilePathOfImage to file path of item link of graphic 1 of PageItemOne end tell end tell |
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Change style of every number | Nov. 16, 2004 |
This script change the character style of every number of a document. tell application "InDesign CS" activate set find preferences to nothing set change preferences to nothing tell document 1 set theStyle to character style "Number" search with find attributes {find text:"^9"} with change attributes {applied character style:theStyle} end tell set find preferences to nothing set change preferences to nothing end tell |
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Set Caps First Line | by Gary Cosimini, Adobe Systems Inc. -- Nov. 19, 2004 |
tell application "InDesign CS" if (count documents) > 0 then set mySelection to selection if (count mySelection) = 1 then if class of item 1 of mySelection is rectangle then -- must select or cursor in text frame display dialog "You must select a text frame before running script." buttons "Oh" else try-- if selection is a text frame, then (* optional segment: comment out if you must have the Adobe Paragraph Composer but hand work may be required more often after the script is run. Note from Olivier: These lines works only if your Indesign is in English. *) get composer of selection set composer of paragraph 1 of selection to "Adobe Single-line Composer" -- end optional segment select line 1 of parent story of item 1 of mySelection set capitalization of selection to all caps select line 2 of parent story of item 1 of mySelection set capitalization of selection to normal on error beep end try end if else display dialog "Select a single text frame before running script." buttons "Doh" -- the error message "Doh" only makes sense if you watch the cartoon show "The Simpsons" on TV! end if else display dialog "Please open a document, select a text frame, and try again." buttons "What was I thinking" end if end tell |
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Print Folder Items | by Olav Kvern -- Nov. 23, 2004 |
(* PrintFolderItems.scpt An InDesign CS AppleScript Prints the InDesign documents dropped into a folder using a specified printer preset. Edit the name of the preset ("TabloidExtra" is the example preset name) to change the preset used. *) on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving myAddedItems repeat with myCounter from 1 to (count myAddedItems) tell application "InDesign CS" set myDocument to open item myCounter of myAddedItems print myDocument using "TabloidExtra" print dialog no end tell end repeat end adding folder items to |
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Every Text To Layer | Nov. 25, 2004 |
This script "moves" every text frame to a layer named "Text Layer". tell application "InDesign CS" activate if (count documents) = 0 then display dialog "Please, open a document" buttons " OK " default button 1 with icon caution else set LayerName to "Text Layer" set myDocument to active document tell myDocument try -- Does this layer exist ? set myLayer to layer LayerName on error -- No? -> create it set myLayer to make layer with properties {name:LayerName} end try set properties of every text frame to {item layer:myLayer} end tell end if end tell |
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Image proportionnal maxi | Jan. 3, 2005 |
tell application "InDesign CS" tell document 1 activate set theSelection to selection if theSelection is not {} then set theClass to class of item 1 of theSelection if theClass is in {oval, rectangle, polygon} then set theTarget to theSelection else if theClass is in {PDF, EPS, image} then try set theTarget to parent of theSelection on error try set theTarget to parent of item 1 of theSelection end try end try else error number -128 -- do your stuff here -- the selection is not oval, rectangle, polygon end if tell item 1 of theTarget try set myProp to properties of item 1 of theTarget fit theTarget given content to frame set horScale to (horizontal scale of graphic 1) + 0.5 set vertScale to (vertical scale of graphic 1) + 0.5 if horScale is greater than vertScale then set vertical scale of graphic 1 to horScale set horizontal scale of graphic 1 to horScale else set horizontal scale of graphic 1 to vertScale set vertical scale of graphic 1 to vertScale end if fit theTarget given center content on error ErrorMessage number ErrorNumber display dialog ("Error : " & return & ErrorMessage & return & ErrorNumber) buttons "OK" default button 1 with icon 0 end try end tell end if end tell end tell |
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Image: search & replace | Jan. 11, 2005 |
This script changes all the hit of an image (selected) by an other image. global NewImage, theType tell application "InDesign CS" -- activate if (count documents) = 0 then display dialog "Please, open a document" buttons "OK" default button 1 with icon caution else set myDocument to active document tell myDocument set ImageSelected to selection if ImageSelected is {} then display dialog "Select the image which you want to change in all the document" buttons "OK" default button 1 with icon caution return -128 end if set ImageSelected to item 1 of ImageSelected set theClass to class of ImageSelected if theClass is in {image, PDF} then -- if the image is selected by direct tools set ImageSelected to parent of ImageSelected end if set PropertiesOfImage to properties of item link of graphic 1 of ImageSelected set NameOfImageToChange to name of PropertiesOfImage -- store every "link" in the Indesign document whose the name is the same that the selected image set ImagesToChange to every page item whose name of item link of graphic 1 is NameOfImageToChange end tell -- select an image in the finder tell me to SelectAnImage() if NewImage is not "" then copy (display dialog "Are you sure to replace every " & return & ¬ "'" & NameOfImageToChange & "'" & return & ¬ "by" & return & ¬ "'" & NewImage & "' ?" buttons {"OK", "NO"} default button 1 with icon caution) to dlog1 if button returned of dlog1 ≠ "OK" then display dialog "Cancel by the user" buttons " OK " default button 1 with icon caution return -128 end if tell myDocument repeat with i from 1 to count of ImagesToChange set ItemToChange to item i of ImagesToChange set thelink to item link of graphic 1 of ItemToChange set ItemLink to properties of thelink set {DateOfImage, LinkType, SizeOfImage} to {date, link type, size} of ItemLink if (DateOfImage = date of PropertiesOfImage) and (LinkType = link type of PropertiesOfImage) and (SizeOfImage = size of PropertiesOfImage) then try relink item link of graphic 1 of ItemToChange to NewImage update thelink end try end if end repeat end tell beep 2 end if end if end tell on SelectAnImage() set theType to "" tell application "InDesign CS" set NewImage to choose file with prompt "Select an image" end tell tell application "Finder" try set theType to file type of NewImage end try if theType is not in {"8BIM", "8BPS", "PDF ", "PICT", "PNTG", "TIFF", "EPS ", "EPSF", "JPG ", "JPEG", "PSD "} then display dialog "Incorrect type" buttons "OK" default button 1 with icon caution set NewImage to "" end if end tell end SelectAnImage |
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Dialog | June 10, 2005 |
set myListOfAngle to {"30", "45", "90", "180"} set myListOfNames1 to {"John", "George", "Paul", "Ringo"} set myListOfNames2 to {"Belgium", "France", "Luxembourg", "The Netherlands", "Deutschland", "Canada"} set myListOfNumber to {"10", "20", "30", "40", "50", "60", "70", "80", "90", "100"} tell application "InDesign CS" activate set myDialog to make dialog with properties {name:"*TITLE* of the dialog"} tell myDialog tell (make dialog column) set myEnablingGroup to make enabling group with properties {static label:"Enabling Group", checked state:true} tell myEnablingGroup tell (make dialog column) tell (make dialog row) tell (make dialog column) make static text with properties {static label:"Button Group:", min width:150} end tell tell (make dialog column) set myFirstButtons to make radiobutton group tell myFirstButtons make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"First Option", checked state:true} make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"Second Option"} make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"Third Option"} make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"Fourth Option"} end tell end tell end tell tell (make border panel) tell (make dialog row) tell (make dialog column) make static text with properties {static label:"Group:", min width:150} make static text with properties {static label:"Angle Combobox:", min width:150} make static text with properties {static label:"Angle Editbox:", min width:150} make static text with properties {static label:"Name:", min width:150} end tell tell (make dialog column) set myGroup1 to make text editboxes with properties {edit contents:"A Group", min width:200} set myListAngleCombobox1 to make angle combobox with properties {string list:myListOfAngle, min width:200} set myListAngleEditbox1 to make angle editbox with properties {edit value:12, min width:200} set myNameDropdown1 to make dropdown with properties {string list:myListOfNames1, selected index:0, min width:100} end tell end tell end tell end tell end tell -- myEnablingGroup tell (make border panel) tell (make dialog column) make static text with properties {static label:"Group:", min width:150} make static text with properties {static label:"Angle Combobox:", min width:150} end tell tell (make dialog column) -- permet d'avoir des angles set myGroup2 to make text editboxes with properties {edit contents:"A Group", min width:175} set myListAngleCombobox2 to make angle combobox with properties {string list:myListOfAngle, min width:175} end tell end tell tell (make dialog row) tell (make dialog column) make static text with properties {static label:"Angle Editbox:", min width:175} make static text with properties {static label:"Name:", min width:150} make static text with properties {static label:"Mesure:", min width:150} make static text with properties {static label:"Pourcent:", min width:150} end tell tell (make dialog column) set myListAngleEditbox2 to make angle editbox with properties {edit value:12, min width:50} set myNameDropdown2 to make dropdown with properties {string list:myListOfNames2, min width:200, selected index:0} set myMeasureComboBox to make measurement combobox with properties {string list:myListOfNumber, min width:70} set myMeasureComboBox to make percent combobox with properties {string list:myListOfNumber, min width:70} end tell end tell tell (make border panel) tell (make border panel) -- checkbox buttons set myTopButton1 to make checkbox control with properties {static label:"One", checked state:true, min width:60} set myCenterButton1 to make checkbox control with properties {static label:"Two", min width:60} set myRightButton1 to make checkbox control with properties {static label:"Three", min width:60} end tell tell (make border panel) tell (make dialog column) set myTopButton2 to make checkbox control with properties {static label:"Top", checked state:true, min width:45} set myCenterButton2 to make checkbox control with properties {static label:"Center", min width:45} set myBottomButton2 to make checkbox control with properties {static label:"Bottom", min width:45} end tell end tell end tell tell (make border panel) tell (make radiobutton group) -- radio buttons set myTopButton3 to make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"Top", checked state:true, min width:150} set myCenterButton3 to make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"Center"} set myBottomButton3 to make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"Bottom"} end tell end tell end tell end tell set myResult to show myDialog if myResult is true then (* -- Get the settings from the dialog bow set myPointSize to edit contents of myPointSizeField as real set myString to edit contents of myTextEditField if selected index of myVerticalJustificationMenu is 0 then set myVerticalJustification to top align else if selected index of myVerticalJustificationMenu is 1 then set myVerticalJustification to center align else set myVerticalJustification to bottom align end if get properties of myParagraphAlignmentGroup if selected button of myParagraphAlignmentGroup is 0 then set myParagraphAlignment to left align else if selected button of myParagraphAlignmentGroup is 0 then set myParagraphAlignment to left align else if selected button of myParagraphAlignmentGroup is 1 then set myParagraphAlignment to center align else set myParagraphAlignment to right align end if *) end if destroy myDialog end tell |
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Change language in styles and paragraphs | June 10, 2005 |
tell application "InDesign CS" activate if (count documents) = 0 then display dialog "Please, open a document" buttons "OK" default button 1 with icon caution else set myDocument to active document set listOfLanguage to name of every language with vendors set myDialog to make dialog with properties {name:"Change the langage in the document"} tell myDialog tell (make dialog column) tell (make border panel) tell (make dialog column) make static text with properties {static label:"change by this langage :"} end tell tell (make dialog column) set MyLanguage to make dropdown with properties {string list:listOfLanguage, selected index:1} end tell end tell end tell end tell -- Display the dialog box. set myResult to show myDialog if myResult is true then -- Get the values from the dialog box controls set TargetLanguage to (item ((selected index of MyLanguage) + 1)) of listOfLanguage tell myDocument set ListOfParagraphStyle to every paragraph style whose name is not "[No Paragraph Style]" set ListOfCharacterStyle to every character style whose name is not "[No Character Style]" set myCounter to (count of ListOfParagraphStyle) + (count of ListOfCharacterStyle) if myCounter is not equal to 0 then if (count of ListOfParagraphStyle) is not equal to 0 then try set (properties of every paragraph style whose name is not "[No Paragraph Style]") to {applied language:TargetLanguage} end try end if if (count of ListOfCharacterStyle) is not equal to 0 then repeat with anItem in ListOfCharacterStyle set properties of anItem to {applied language:TargetLanguage} end repeat end if end if try set applied language of every text of every text frame of every page to TargetLanguage end try try set applied language of every text of every cell of every table of every text frame of every page to TargetLanguage end try end tell display dialog "Done" buttons "OK" default button 1 end if -- Remove the dialog box from memory. destroy myDialog end if end tell |
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Un-anchor | June 30, 2005 -- by Pete Kincaid |
From Pete Kincaid: I have written this script which will un-Anchor text boxes and insert there text into the string of text where the box was anchored. tell application "InDesign CS" tell document 1 set thetextframes to text frames repeat with aframe in thetextframes set theCount to count of (text frames of aframe) tell aframe repeat with i from theCount to 1 by -1 set boxContents to paragraphs of text frame i of aframe as string set contents of first insertion point of parent of text frame i to boxContents delete text frame i of aframe end repeat end tell end repeat end tell end tell |
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Copy cell from Excel | Oct. 27, 2005 |
tell application "Microsoft Excel" set x to valueof selection -- convert list of lists to single list set oldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"&˘ˇ˜"} set x to x as string set x to text items of x set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims end tell tell application "InDesign CS" set contents of selection to x end tell |
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New layer | Jan. 18, 2006 |
tell application "InDesign CS" tell document 1 set newLayer to make layer with properties {name:"Bottom layer", layer color:teal} move newLayer to after layer -1 end tell end tell |
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Index from character style | Febr. 20, 2006 |
tell application "InDesign CS" set find preferences to nothing set change preferences to nothing set myDocument to active document tell myDocument set myIndex to make index end tell tell myDocument set EveryCharacterStyle to every character style set NameOfEveryCharacterStyle to name of every character style set myIndex to make index end tell set ChooseStyle to choose from list NameOfEveryCharacterStyle with prompt "Choose one (or more) character style(s)" with multiple selections allowed if ChooseStyle is not false then -- Search for the correspondance of Name of char style and object reference of it set ListOfCharStyleToIndex to {} tell myDocument repeat with i from 1 to count of ChooseStyle set end of ListOfCharStyleToIndex to character style (item i of ChooseStyle) end repeat end tell -- Search for every occurence of text with the first applied character style in ListOfCharStyleToIndex set SearchStyle to item 1 of ListOfCharStyleToIndex set FoundObjects to (search myDocument with find attributes {applied character style:SearchStyle}) -- When multiple selections repeat with j from 2 to count of ListOfCharStyleToIndex set SearchStyle to item j of ListOfCharStyleToIndex set FoundObjects to FoundObjects & (search myDocument with find attributes {applied character style:SearchStyle}) end repeat -- Loop (reverse) repeat with i from (count FoundObjects) to 1 by -1 tell myIndex -- Add the topic to the index if it does not already exist. try set myTopicName to contents of item i of FoundObjects set myTopic to topic myTopicName of myIndex on error set myTopic to make topic with data {name:myTopicName} end try end tell set myFoundItem to object reference of item i of FoundObjects set myStory to parent story of myFoundItem -- Create the page reference. tell myTopic set myPageReference to make page reference with properties {parent story:myStory, story offset:index of myFoundItem} end tell end repeat display dialog "Done!" buttons "OK" default button 1 giving up after 2 end if set find preferences to nothing set change preferences to nothing end tell |
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